Flying abroad with a food allergy

flight delay compensationSome people with food allergies (often peanut) report that they experience allergy symptoms while travelling in aircraft. The cause may be the free peanut snacks handed round to passengers with their drinks. If people eat these without washing hands afterwards, and then touch things like the tray table, seat belt etc., traces of peanut protein maybe transferred onto these things. Symptoms are usually mild, but can include itchy rash, streaming eyes and wheezing.


Young passenger went into anaphylactic shock and lost consciousness on a plane

easyjet7 years old child went into anaphylactic shock and lost consciousness on an Easyjet plane after indian passenger ignored warnings not to eat nuts.

A girl aged seven suffered an allergy attack at 32,000 ft after an airline passenger from India ignored repeated warnings not to eat peanuts on the board.