Young passenger went into anaphylactic shock and lost consciousness on a plane

easyjet7 years old child went into anaphylactic shock and lost consciousness on an Easyjet plane after indian passenger ignored warnings not to eat nuts.

A girl aged seven suffered an allergy attack at 32,000 ft after an airline passenger from India ignored repeated warnings not to eat peanuts on the board.

Alice Briggs stopped breathing and passed out on an Easyjet flight after the passenger opened a package of mixed nuts despite many warnings that there was a child on board with a nut allergy.

The family of the young girl, who went into anaphylactic shock, said that the ‘incredibly selfish’ passenger had put her life at risk.

She had to be revived with an anti-allergy adrenaline injection and was taken to hospital for treatment after the Easyjet plane landed at Gatwick. Easyjet has banned the indian passenger from flying with it for two years.

Alice’s family had alerted Easyjet about her allergy and said cabin crew announced that they would not sell peanuts on board and asked passengers not to open any packets of nuts they already had.

But 35 minutes into the flight from Italy parents Sarah and Joel said she began scratching her cheeks and complaining that her face was itching.

A passenger sitting 3 rows away had apparently ignored the warnings and opened a packet of nuts, causing girl’s face to swell, her mouth to blister and leaving her struggling to breathe.

Although her mother rushed her to the front of the plane, the air conditioning on board meant nut particles were circulated around the flight and Alice passed out.

A medical worker on board responded to the cabin crew’s call for medically-trained passengers and used Alice’s adrenaline pen – which she carries at all times – to administer an injection which brought her back to consciousness.

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NEXT: Millions of Britons could be owed hundreds of pounds in compensation for delayed flights.

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