Denied boarding compensation: up to £600

You have the right to compensation if the airline cannot justify why you were denied boarding. Justified grounds include concerns over health, safety, or incomplete travel documents, but not because the flight was overbooked.

If you are denied boarding, you are also entitled to a replacement flight or, if you decide not to fly, to a refund of your ticket.


Denied Boarding – Air Travel Advisory Bureau

When an air carrier reasonably expects to deny boarding on a flight, if an insufficient number of volunteers come forward to allow the remaining passengers to board the flight, the air carrier may then deny boarding to passengers against their will, in which case it must compensate them.

If your flight is subject to EU legislation, being involuntarily ‘bumped’ entitles you to exactly the same rights as if the flight was cancelled, and you should be able to claim your compensation immediately. Air carriers give priority to persons with reduced mobility and any persons accompanying them.